Venue & Equipment Booking

Venue & Equipment Booking

Application for Displaying Promotional Material for Registered Student Organisations

Registered student organisations can apply for displaying promotional materials at the United College campus through procedures below.

  • Student organizations are required to complete the online application form two weeks before the tentative date of display.
  • The result of application will be sent to the e-mail address provided on the form within 7 working days.
  • If the application is approved, 1) an application form with the required chop(s), and 2) a deposit of HK$500 should be submitted to the Dean of Students’ Office (2/F, Tsang Shui Tim Building) before the date of display to finish the application process.
  • Student organizations must clean up the venue immediately after the period of display and apply for deposit refund from the Dean of Students’ Office within a month. Otherwise, the College will assume the applicant has forfeited the deposit and will donate it for educational uses at the College.
  • Please read the guidelines carefully before application.
Guidelines Online Application Form

Venue & Equipment Booking (for UC Student Societies)

Registered student societies of United College can book the venue or borrow equipment from the College. Please submit your application via the online form below. 

  • All bookings of venue(s) and equipment must be done 7 working days before the lease date. Please submit your application as early as possible.
  • The person in charge will be notified by phone or email within 7 working days whether the application is approved or not.

Important information on borrowing the stage:

A workshop will be organised once every semester. Our colleague(s) will demonstrate the (dis)assembly and usage of the stage and other important issues.

Stage borrowing eligibility:

  • A student society is required to attend the workshop at least once in an academic year in order to borrow and use the stage for their future activities in that academic year.
  • At least one qualified member of the applicant student society must come to borrow and collect the stage.

When filling out the borrowing form, applicants should indicate whether they have fulfilled the above requirements. Our colleague will check their indication against our workshop participation record. If any student society is found not having attended the workshop, they will not be able to borrow the stage.

Application form and guidelines Venue Usage Catalog of equipment

Stage Assembly/Disassembly Workshop

Important information on borrowing the stage:

A workshop will be organised once every semester. Our colleague(s) will demonstrate the (dis)assembly and usage of the stage and other important issues.

Stage borrowing eligibility:

  • A student society is required to attend the workshop at least once in an academic year in order to borrow and use the stage for their future activities in that academic year.
  • At least one member of the applicant student society who has attended the workshop must come to borrow and return the stage.

When filling out the borrowing form, applicant should indicate whether they have fulfilled the above requirements. Our colleague will check their indication against our workshop participation record. If any student society is found not having attended the workshop, they will not be able to borrow the stage.

Registration (TBC) Guidelines for the set up and dismantling of the stage