Unite the Community: Service-learning Pilot Scheme 2024

In response to the development of the UC General Education curriculum, the College once again organised the “Service-learning Pilot Scheme’’ during the 2024 summer break. This year’s programme focused on the theme “Unite the Community, Continue the Spirit of Exploration in Life”. The College aims to encourage the elderly to maintain their passion for life, even as they enter a new stage. We believe that age is merely a number, and in retirement, seniors can persistently cultivate their interests and define their own beauty. A total of 19 students participated in the service-learning programme and provided services at two local elderly centres from late May to early June, featuring two themes, Expressive Arts Therapy and Fashion Styling.
Expressive Arts Therapy
Before providing their services, 12 students participated in a workshop led by a Registered Art (Expressive Arts) Therapist. The workshop allowed them to experience the benefits of expressive arts for elderly. Additionally, the students learnt how to organise expressive arts activities. Later, they incorporated expressive arts elements into three different themed services, enhancing the imagination and sharing abilities of the elderly.
Fashion Styling
The College recently collaborated with a social enterprise, Eldpathy, to organise a workshop about the lives of the elderly. Using specially designed props and activities, students explored the physical limitations and psychological needs of the elderly before embarking on their service projects. Retrovert, a second-hand fashion platform, was also invited to participate in this programme, offering tutorials on basic tailoring techniques and styling skills. Subsequently, students prepared a heartwarming fashion show specifically for the lovely seniors. Throughout the event, students honed their communication skills by understanding the preferences and life stories of the elderly.
In mid-June, students from both programmes returned to campus to share their experiences and insights from the service sessions with other groups.
In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the College aims to promote upcycling of the second-hand clothing. This initiative allows students to gain insights into sustainable consumption and contribute to community service and environmental protection. Furthermore, the College hopes that the expressive art workshops can foster the community engagement among seniors, bridging and strengthening a supportive network within the community.