College Initiatives
28 May 2024

The First Green Camp Collaborated by United College of CUHK and Ling College of CUHK, Shenzhen

To enhance students’ understanding of sustainable development and ecological conservation in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, United College and Ling College of CUHK, Shenzhen collaborated to organise a four-day Green Camp from 28 to 31 May 2024. The camp covered topics including urban planning, green architecture, renewable energy, and ecological conservation, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of innovation and sustainable development in both cities.

A cohort of 15 students from United College and Ling College participated in the camp. On the first two days, they visited the Longgang Energy Ecological Park and Future Building in Shenzhen, gaining valuable insights into the city’s recycling facilities. The students also gained insights on how to strike a balance between urban development and ecological preservation at The Museum of Urban Planning Exhibition.

In the subsequent two days, the participants traveled to Hong Kong. They studied the Hong Kong Government’s Transitional Housing Project and visited the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, the world’s first museum of climate change. Additionally, they explored the energy-saving and renewable energy facilities at United College. These experiences provided them with a deeper understanding of Hong Kong’s urban planning, incorporating technology, ecological conservation and sustainable development. An eco CUHK campus tour, led by Professor Lam Kin Chi, Senior College Tutor of United College, and Professor Johnson C S Chan of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, was also arranged.

The camp was privileged to have Mr Victor S S Tai, the Under Secretary of Housing Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, engaging in dialogues with the participants. Mr Tai introduced the significant Transitional Housing Project at Choi Hing Road, Choi Hung, which involves revitalising vacant school buildings and other urban resources for transitional housing. The Government is committed to sustainable development, while providing more suitable living environments and amenities for the grassroots communities. The students found this experience inspiring, gaining fresh perspectives on idle resources.

Mr Victor S S Tai, the Under Secretary of Housing Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government

In addition to engaging in group discussions regarding the four-day programme, participants presented their reflections and learnings at the Closing Ceremony on 31 May. Professor Stephen H S Wong, Head of United College, expressed satisfaction with how the camp stimulated critical thinking among students. He hoped that the field-trip activities could further enhance students’ interest in sustainable urban development. Professor Lu Zong Li, Master of Ling College, also hoped that the camp would foster idea exchange among students on environmental issues, motivating them to contribute to the sustainable future of Hong Kong and Shenzhen.