Orientation Week 2021 – We Finally United on the Mountain Top!

After a year of mixed-mode teaching, we finally united on the mountain top! To mark the start of this meaningful beginning, the College tried something new – the Orientation Week 2021, under the theme of “We Unite on the Mountain Top”, was held on 6-10 September to welcome UC students back to campus. It was a great start for UCians to know more about the College and make some new friends. We could also cheer each other on, and start the school year together with laughter!
Students were so excited to hear the signature music of the Mobile Softee resounding through our campus on the first day of school. In such a sizzling hot weather, what’s more satisfying than getting free ice cream?
We set up different checkpoints around the campus, hoping that students could know more about the College by finishing some simple tasks. Students could enter the Getcha Lucky Draw upon finishing the selected tasks. The Grand Prize of the lucky draw was something on everybody’s wish list — a Nintendo Switch!
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Students could also get a “Starter Pack” in the Orientation Week. It contained an outdoor style crossbody bag and an A5 size memo bottle which are suitable for students’ daily adventure on campus. The Starter Pack also included the winning sticker set of the 65th Anniversary Sticker Design Competition and a CUHK bus route card which would be very useful for all freshmen.
To wrap up the Orientation Week, we organised a Busking Night at the lawn outside Adam Shall Residence on Friday night. They all had a wonderful time, chilling with friends!
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