Online Mentors’ Talk cum Mid-term Sharing Session

We could hardly remember the lifestyle we had before the outbreak of COVID-19. We are all stressed and busy with adapting to changes through the years. The Coordinating Committee of UC Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme invited two Mentors, Mr Ray Y K Ng (1985/PHYS) and Mr Davis C K Man (1988/CHLL), to host an online Mentors’ Talk titled “Views of How to Cope with Stress” on 19 February 2022. Mr Ng and Mr Man shared their views on how to deal with stress with mentors and mentees.
“Is stress equal to motivation? Is there a correlation between goal and stress?” question raised by Mr Ray Y K Ng, who has been practising mindfulness for years, at the beginning of his sharing. “Stress will show up only if we set an overrated target. Just like we won’t feel stressed if we are having little walk after meal,” Mr Ng said. He also introduced the concept that “definition of success” varies from one individual to another. For those who achieved their target successfully; and those who successfully realised that they would not be able to reach the goal, both situations could be classified as success. Mr Ng believed that we could find a new solution to negative feelings by re-definition of success.
Meanwhile, Mr Davis C K Man suggested multiple methods to deal with negative emotions. “We should always remind ourselves how grateful we are and not to focus on those bad experiences. We should always look on the bright side of life and cherish our happy moments, but not be overwhelmed with the unhappiness.” suggested by Mr Man. He also recommended reading “Advantages of humanity”, a book written by Mr Dale Carnegie, which might give us insights in dealing with unhappiness.
We are glad to have mentors and mentees sharing their views in joining UC Mentorship Programme.
It was a precious opportunity for mentors and mentees to look back on their time in first term and learn from others groups. We wish our dearest mentors and mentees could organise different kinds of group activities and continue to create more memories together in the future.