Friday Luncheon Presented by College Life Committee in Term 1 of 2024-2025 (Part II)
Friday Luncheon is a cherished tradition of the United College, welcoming College members and their friends to participate and enjoy during term time. A short talk session is also held once a month at the Friday Luncheon, where College members are invited to share interesting and practical topics. The College envisions Friday Luncheon as a dynamic platform that fosters interaction and cohesion among members from diverse academic backgrounds, while also providing a moment of relaxation amid their hectic schedules. The College extends heartfelt gratitude to all members for their valuable contributions and enriching sharing.
Here are some of the fruitful contents and short talks in November:
01.11.2024 Welcome the visit from the staff from East China Normal University
22.11.2024 Professor Rita W Y Ng of the Department of Microbiology gave a talk on “Power Foods” for the brain.
22.11.2024 Gathering with Professor Takamichi Mito (6th left), former College member, who has taught at Department of Japanese Studies.
29.11.2024 The last Friday Luncheon in Term 1 of 2024-2025