The Opening Ceremony of “Even in Pandemic, Spring Comes – An Art Exhibition by Professor Lee Hon-ching”

The Opening Ceremony of “Even in Pandemic, Spring Comes – An art exhibition by Professor Lee Hon-ching” was held on 1 December 2021. With the generous support of Hop Wai Tong, the event was organised by Chung Chi College, United College and Wu Yee Sun College, and co-organised by the Art Museum of Institute of Chinese Studies. Professor Hon-ching Lee, despite border restrictions and quarantine arrangements in the pandemic, travelled from USA to Hong Kong to be the artist of the exhibition, the organising units expressed deep appreciation and honour.
This exhibition showcased the achievements of Professor Lee during this extraordinary pandemic period, ranging from lively paper-media works, significant sculptures to mixed media art. He encouraged all of us to stay optimistic, hopeful and pursue balance lifestyles even in unprecedented pandemic.