CUHK New Student Orientation Day – Introduction of United College

The University’s New Student Orientation Day was held on 11 August 2022, aiming to prepare newly admitted undergraduate students to start a new page of university life.
On that day, “College Consultation Session” and “Orientation Camp Consultation” as well as the “College Introductory Talk” were held. More than 500 freshmen participated in the “College Consultation Session” and the “Orientation Camp Consultation” at LT8, YIA. 18 UC student ambassadors as well as some members of the Orientation Camp Organising Committee shared their college life experiences and introduced the activities of Orientation Camp to the new students.
The “College Introductory Talk” was held at 3:30 pm at LT3, YIA. Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, delivered a welcome speech to freshmen. Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students, introduced admission scholarships, hostels, and exchange programmes to the undergraduates. Mr Jomy H C Lin, a 2022 UC graduate, shared his fruitful college life with the participants on the same occasion.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, Head of United College, delivered a welcome speech.
Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students, introduced admission scholarships, hostels, and exchange programmes to the undergraduates in the Introductory Talk.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate Head, Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students, Dr Tak Wah Leung, Associate Dean of General Education, Mr Tony Chan, College Secretary, Mr Jomy Lin, a 2022 UC graduate, as well as the College Staff Members and Student Ambassadors took a group photo before the College Introductory Talk.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate Head & Dean of General Education, Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate Head, and Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Associate Dean of Students, took a group photo with the Student Ambassadors, the Orientation Camp Committee Members as well as the freshmen.
To avoid a large crowd under the pandemic, a quota of 1,600 freshmen was allowed to take part in the on-campus orientation activities.