Student Development
26 Aug 2024

College Orientation Camp 2024

The 2024 College Orientation Camp was held from 26 to 28 August 2024 with the theme of “Unite to Sparkle”. The Organising Committee aimed to help freshmen adapt to university life and establish networks through four-day-three-night orientation camp, thereby deepening their understanding of the College and fostering a sense of belonging. A series of mass games and theme activities were arranged which allowed freshmen to reflect on the role as university students and plan for their future. Nearly 300 freshmen (including both local and non-local students) attended the College Orientation Camp, experiencing and learning about college life under the guidance of the senior students.

The Organising Committee would like express gratitude to Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head; Mr John K H Lee, Chairperson of the Council of The Alumni Association of United College; Professor Faye S Y Tsang , Associate Dean of Students and Convenor of the Advisory and Working Group for College Orientation Activities; Professor Tse Chi Shing, Associate Dean of Students ; Dr Leung Tak Wah, Associate Dean of General Education and Warden of Bethlehem Hall; Ms Crystal K Y Cheung, Warden of Adam Schall Residence; Professor Vivian W Y Lee, Warden of Chan Chun Ha Hostel; Mr Wong On Tung, Warden of Hang Seng Hall; Dr Tony K C Yung, Warden of Pak Chuen Hall; Dr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary; Mr Wayne W C Tam, President of UC Student Union; Mr Thomas M H Choy, Chairperson of the Student Union Council, and colleagues of the Dean of Students’ Office, in attending the Opening Ceremony of the camp on 26 August 2024. The College appreciated the effort of the Orientation Camp Organising Committee members, group leaders and all supporting units in making the event a memorable one.

Professor Faye S Y Tsang (2nd right), Associate Dean of Students and Convenor of the Advisory and Working Group for College Orientation Activities; Professor Tse Chi Shing (3rd right), Associate Dean of Students; and Ms Wing Yu (far right), Chairperson of the College Orientation Camp Organising; and Orientation Camp big group leaders conducted the roasted pig carving in the Pledging Ceremony.

The College guests took a photo with the freshmen at the Opening Ceremony.

The joint-group slogan chanting activity was held on 28 August at United College Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium.

A night show was held on the 3rd night of the Orientation Camp.

After the night show, the students had the late-night supper at the open area outside Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building.

Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education (back row; 3rd right); Professor Faye S Y Tsang, Associate Dean of Students and Convenor of the Advisory and Working Group for College Orientation Activities (back row; 4th right); Dr Leung Tak Wah, Associate Dean of General Education and Warden of Bethlehem Hall(back row; 2nd right); Dr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary (back row; 2nd left) and the colleagues of the Dean of Students’ Office came to join and support the late-night supper.