Student Development
20 Mar 2024

Annual Dinner for UC Sports Teams 2024

The Annual Dinner for the United College Sports Teams 2024 was held in the evening of 20 March at the Staff Common Room. It was a celebratory occasion where all UC Sports Teams were recognised for their remarkable achievements in the Inter-collegiate Competitions this year. Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, delivered encouraging words to sports team members, acknowledging their dedication and hard work. Professor Wong also extended gratitude to all teachers of the UC PE Unit and coaches of the College teams for their unwavering commitments and support throughout the year.

Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, expressed his appreciation to the sports team members.

The UC Sports Association specially invited Ms Kong Lam (88/SPED), College alumnus, to share her experiences with students. Over the past two years, Ms Kong has consistently qualified for the UCI Esports Cycling World Championships, proudly representing Hong Kong as the sole participant. She shared the challenges and rewards she encountered during her competitive journey, inspiring fellow students to pursue their dreams.

Ms Kong Lam (88/SPED), College alumnus

During the dinner, members of the UC Sports Association hosted several interesting games and a lucky draw for participants, allowing students to show their communication skills, teamwork, and camaraderie with teammates. This gathering served not only as a celebration of the team members’ hard work and achievements throughout the past year, but also as an excellent opportunity for them to interact and communicate.