Financial Aid

Student Financial Aid

Student Emergency Grants


All undergraduate students facing unforeseen financial emergencies that may disrupt their studies and livings

Amount / Level of assistance

Depend on the financial hardship of the applicant

Application Period

All year round

Application Method

  • Applicants should contact the Dean of Students’ Office for initial advice.
  • Eligible applicants are required to fill in the form and provide reasons for application and supporting documents.
  • An interview may be arranged.
  • Assessment will take applicants’ resources and family financial circumstances into consideration. The type and amount of assistance will depend on the impact of such changes on the level of family support and necessary study and living expenses of applicants.
  • Applicants will be informed of the results through CUHK email address.

Wong Fung Ling Student Loan


All undergraduate students facing unforeseen financial emergencies that may disrupt their studies and livings

Amount / Level of assistance

Depend on the financial hardship of the applicant

Application Period

All year round

Application Method

  • Applicants should contact the Dean of Students’ Office for initial advice.
  • Eligible applicants are required to fill in the form and provide reasons for application and supporting documents.
  • An interview may be arranged.
  • Assessment will take applicants’ resources and family financial circumstances into consideration. The type and amount of assistance will depend on the impact of such changes on the level of family support and necessary study and living expenses of applicants.
  • Applicants are required to provide a loan guarantor and a witness and complete relevant documents if loan are assigned for assistance.
  • Applicants will be informed of the results through CUHK email address.

United College Travel Loan for Non-local Academic Activities


All local undergraduate students have financial difficulties and other special reasons are eligible to apply

Amount / Level of assistance

HK$6,000 (interest free loans)

Application Period

  • All year round
  • Applicants must submit their application at least one month prior to the departure date

Application Method

  • Applicants should contact the Dean of Students’ Office for initial advice.
  • Eligible applicants are required to fill in the form and provide reasons for application and supporting documents.
  • An interview may be arranged.
  • Assessment will take applicants’ resources and family financial circumstances into consideration. The type and amount of assistance will depend on the impact of such changes on the level of family support and necessary study and living expenses of applicants.
  • Applicants are required to provide a loan guarantor and a witness and complete relevant documents if loan are assigned for assistance.
  • Applicants will be informed of the results through CUHK email address.

Non-local Short-term Study Studentships

These studentships allow students to participate in short-term non-local study programmes and activities (except day trip), e.g. international conferences or seminars held abroad, overseas student programmes and student exchange, organized by the College, the University and other reputable outside organizations.


All undergraduate students

Amount / Level of assistance

  • HK$1,000 or HK$1,500 (depend on the destination). 
  • Each student can submit maximum of 2 applications per academic year

Application Period

  • All year round
  • Applicants must submit their application at least one month prior to the departure date

Application Method

  • Applicants should send an email to the College to obtain the application form.
  • Return the completed form to the Dean of Students’ Office.
  • Successful applicant will receive email notification with the amount of assistance and payment arrangement.
  • Applicants are required to commit the following obligations:
    • Submit a trip report (about 500 Chinese or English words) and 4 photos (some photos must show the face of the applicant) within two weeks after your return to Hong Kong, for public release in College home page, publications and on display boards, etc.
    • To assist the College in promoting cultural and exchange activities during the trip.

Student Campus Training and Service Awards

The Scheme aims to encourage undergraduates of United College to be helpers, gain work experience and at the same time receive financial assistance. United College welcomes staff to train students in different duties including research and administration work.

The award rate for student helpers in 2023-2024 is HK$67.2 per hour (including HK$3.2 as MPF). United College students who are interested to serve as student helpers on campus may now register at

The College may approach you for suitable position(s).

This Scheme is administered by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme.  For enquiries, please contact Ms Memory Lau, Secretary of the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme (Tel: 3943 8657) or email to

Student Residence Grant Scheme

Student Hostel Residence Grant

The Student Hostel Residence Grant Scheme provides financial support to needy students to enable them to have a residential College life for advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus. This Scheme is supported by various donors.

  • Cheung Chiu Hin Hostel Residence Grants
  • Jacinto Tong Hostel Residence Grants
  • Kwong Sze Ling Hostel Residence Grants
  • Mr and Mrs Wong Cheung Huang Hostel Residence Grants
  • Shanghai Fraternity Association Hostel Residence Grants
  • United College Hostel Residence Grants
  • Yau Ying Sum Hostel Residence Grants


All undergraduate students who:

  • Successfully obtain a hostel place on the University campus (including hostels of College, I-house and hostels for medical students)
  • Resided in hostel for at least 75% per term

Grant Amount

HK$1,410 per term 

Application Period

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Application Method

Students should submit application by webform during application period. Relevant documents should be uploaded together to the website as instructed. Incomplete forms and late applications will not be considered. Applicants will receive an application confirmation via email after completing the online application.

Student Off-Campus Residence Grant

This Grant Scheme provides financial support to needy students who have not been assigned a hostel place on the University campus and they have to rent a place temporarily along the Mass Transit Railway System (East Rail Line). The rented place should be closer to the University compared with the family residence in order to support the applicants for advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus.

  • Yau Ying Sum Off-Campus Residence Grants


Students who have not been assigned a hostel place on the University Campus 

Grant Amount

HK$2,820 per term

Application Period

All year round

Application Method

Please check with college staff for more details and obtain the application form. Return the completed form and supporting documents to the Dean of Students’ Office.

*Applicants are required to submit documents on rental agreement and related proof. Verification of information will be made with the applicant and the parents, prior to grant allocation approval by the College.

Student Non-residence Grant Scheme

Non-residence Grant

To support non-resident students of United College (i.e. students who have not been allocated hostel accommodation) with financial difficulties, and to encourage them to actively participate in various college activities on campus during their spare time.


  • Undergraduate student of United College without allocated hostel accommodation.
  • Non-resident student with actual financial need as selected by the College.
  • Participate in at least one non-formal educational activity organised by the College or the non-residential halls in each term.  Qualified activities will be labeled as “Eligible students participating in this activity can receive the non-residence grant” for identification purpose.  Activities include:
    • Language Improvement Project
    • Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme#
    • Student Wellness Programme (e.g. training courses, workshops and related activities)
    • Activities under UChum Programme
    • UChum – College Peer Support Ambassadors#
    • Inclusive activities, cultural Interchange activities
    • Green Trips
    • Career Facilitation and Development Scheme
    • Activities organised by Non-residential halls
    • Others Activities

#HK$1,000 for scheme/project for the duration of one academic year

Grant Amount

HK$500 per term 

HK$1,000 for scheme/project for the duration of one academic year

(Remark: The grant will be distributed before the end of the academic year)

Application Period

9 September to 1 pm on 7 October 2024

Incomplete forms and late applications will not be considered.

Application Method

  • Students should submit application by webform during application period. Relevant documents should be uploaded together to the website as instructed. Applicants will receive an application confirmation via email after completing the online application.
  • Fill in the activity record form provided and get the chop from the staff in-charge of the activities or from the non-residential halls after joining the activities.  The form should be submitted before the end of the academic year as a supporting document to obtain the grant


University Scholarships and Financial Aid

The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is responsible for the administration of University scholarships and financial aid schemes, e.g. Admission Scholarships, Scholarships for Local/Overseas Studies, Loans, Summer Subsistence and Travel Loan Scheme, Student Residence Bursary Scheme and Student Campus Work Schemes, which are provided by the University depending on students’ financial situation, or their outstanding performance in academic or other areas.  Please refer to the website of Office of Admissions and Financial Aid for more details.

Government Financial Aid

The Hong Kong Government established The Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA), to provide various financial aid schemes in the form of grants and loans, in order to help local students in need to finish their studies.  Please refer to the website of Office of Admissions and Financial Aid for more details.


Dean of Students’ Office, United College

Ms. Mimi Wong
Tel: 3943 0427

Ms. Carman Koo
Tel: 3943 1696