【心聯筆動:情緒之旅】是 UChum 為各位聯合人設計的戶外寫生活動。剛剛經歷期中考試,並即將迎接期末挑戰的你,或許正面臨學業上的各種壓力與困擾。這次活動旨在提供一個輕鬆愉悅的環境,讓你能在繁忙的學業間隙中,透過藝術創作放鬆心情、釋放壓力,重新找到內心的平衡,也更深入的了解自己。
16/11 14:00 p.m – 17:00 p.m
活動流程 (Activity Schedule):
下午 2:00 – 九龍站集合 Meet at Kowloon Station
下午 2:15 – 步行前往西九文化區 Walk to West Kowloon Cultural District
下午 2:15 – 4:00 – 油畫創作時間 Oil Painting Session
下午 4:00 – 5:00 – 下午茶時光 Afternoon Tea
語言 (Language):
This event will be mainly in Cantonese, supplemented by Mandarin and English.
West Kowloon Cultural District
活動內容(Event Content):
油畫 + 肌理畫
Oil Painting & Texture Art
活動收費(Event fee):
HKD 50/人(包括所有畫具和下午茶費用)
HKD 50/person(Includes all painting supplies and afternoon tea)
報名截止日期 Registration Deadline:2/11(23:59)
*成功遞交登記表格的同學會於登記截止日期後收到確認電郵,提醒你前往曾肇添樓二樓聯合書院學生輔導處,向書院職員Marco Chan繳費並領取活動物資,屆時才完成整個報名手續。
*Participants who have successfully submitted the registration form will receive a confirmation email after the registration deadline. The email will remind you to go to Dean of Students’ Office, United College on the second floor of Tsang Shiu Tim Building to pay the fee and collect the event materials from the college staff, Marco Chan. Only then will the registration process be complete.
**The personal information of applicants will be used only for this event.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact:
UChum電子郵件 (Email address) : uchum.uc@gmail.com
UChum Instagram: @uc_chummy