United College Internship Scheme

Internship Scheme

United College, in collaboration with United College Alumni Association, co-organise the United College Internship Scheme to provide training opportunities for United College undergraduate students. Internship opportunities will enhance students’ understanding to their future career and help them gain practical workplace experience prior to graduation. Internship opportunities from different fields are offered to United College students.

UC Students

4 Ways that Students Benefit from Internships:

◆ To apply students’ classroom learning in real-world environments
◆ To gain hands-on work experiences and equip with the essential skills and knowledge
◆ To foster students’ understanding of the careers they are interested in and gain exposure to different fields
◆ To establish professional connections for future careers

UC students are welcome to stay tuned for updated news of internship offers through College’s mass emails and social media promotion.

You may also visit the website of Career Planning and Development Centre, CUHK to learn the latest news related to summer internship and career development.

Before taking up any internship or part-time employment, non-local students must obtain prior permission from the Director of Immigration, HKSAR. Details can be accessed at Non-local undergraduates may also refer to the Career Guide for Non-local Students published by Office of Student Affairs, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


The College would like to invite employers or companies and/or organisations that alumni are serving to provide internship opportunities for United College students. We welcome College alumni to serve as a contact person to explore the opportunity of collaboration on internship with your company. Internship offers can be full-time during summer break or part-time during term time.

Interested employers or College Alumni are welcome to fill in an online form. Our colleagues will contact you soon. We will promote the internship opportunities through mass email and social media.

Thank you very much for your support.


Ms Amy Luk / Ms Iris Ng
Tel: 3943 8654 / 3943 7582
Email: /

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Interns and Graduate Job Offers for UC Law Students (Updated as at 23 January 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Trainees of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Updated as at 6 February 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Interns Offers for UC Engineering Students (Updated as at 20 March 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Interns Offers for UC Students of All Majors (Updated as at 27 March 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Interns Offers for UC BBA Students (Updated as at 28 March 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Interns Offers for UC Students of All Majors (Updated as at 9 April 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Audit Junior of MCI CPA Limited (Updated as at 12 April 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Summer Intern Offer of Hong Kong EV Power Limited (Updated as at 24 April 2024)

Summer Internship 2024 – Last Batch of Summer Interns Offers for UC Students (Updated as at 14 May 2024)


To learn more about the stories behind United College Internship Scheme, you may read the following United News:

▼The Fruitful Journey of Summer Internship

An Exploration of Workplace – UC Internship Scheme

Internship Opportunity for a Bright Future                                

Connect Alumni and Students – UC Internship Scheme (Chinese only)