Student Development

Unlocking Potential: Career Development Facilitation Scheme 2024

The Career Development Facilitation Scheme was held in February to May 2024 in collaboration with the College and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK. A comprehensive series of activities were organised for the students, including one-on-one career counseling sessions, career talk, and interactive workshops facilitated by the social enterprise ‘CAPALA’. Through active participation in these activities, students not only discovered their unique abilities but also gained the confidence to showcase their strengths.

Kick-off Ceremony cum Briefing Session (6 February 2024)

During the Kick-off Ceremony cum Briefing Session, Ms Dora T W Suen, Head of Communication and Public Relations, CUSCS, and Dr Tony M H Chan, College Secretary, shared the purposes of the scheme and encouraged students to proactively explore and discover their own career paths.

Kick-off Ceremony cum Briefing Session

Ms Dora T W Suen (left), Head of Communication and Public Relations, CUSCS, and Dr Tony M H Chan (right), College Secretary.

Career Talk (15 March 2024)

The College has invited Ms Bonnie C Y Wong (also known as Ah Jeng @CR903) (15/COMM) as the guest speaker of the Career Talk. Ms Wong shared her brave and thrilling experiences in her career journey with the students, incredibly inspiring and motivating students to be bold to attempt in pursuing their dreams.

Guest speaker of the Career Talk – Ms Bonnie C Y Wong (Ah Jeng @CR903) (15/COMM)

Professor Stephen H S Wong (left), College Head, and Professor Lee Hung Kay (right), Associate Head and Dean of General Education, presented souvenir to Ah Jeng.

Interactive Workshop by CAPALA (9 April 2024)

A boardgame workshop was prepared by CAPALA, which helped students to find their unique talent in workplace, and to present themselves in the job interviews effectively.

Board games made it easier for students to engage in activities.

Instructor from the CAPALA guided students to reflect on themselves.

Let’s read the students’ sharing:

As graduation approaches, I find myself contemplating possibilities beyond a teaching career. Amidst my confusion, I received an email from the College. Fate led me to meet Yo, my career facilitator. Just a few meet ups, we’ve become friends who discuss everything. Through our conversations, we’ve managed to clarify our own values and draw inspiration from each other.

— Luk Huen Yiu (CHLL/5)

Through joining the Scheme, I have gained deeper understanding to both my own personality and my career planning. My career facilitator led me to try various personality tests, polished my resume and explored new methods for job hunting and networking. This scheme has broadened my horizon and helped me to develop a holistic perspective on career planning and life, which was profoundly meaningful to me.

— Liu Songyu (QFRM/2)