‘Traditional X Contemporary’ You See 2.0 – College Assemblies of UC, 2024-2025 Term 1 (Part II)
A total of 12 sessions of college assemblies was held in Term 1 of 2024-2025 with the theme of “‘Traditional X Contemporary’ You See 2.0”. Let’s recap the seven assemblies in the 2nd part of Term 1:
【Sharing on Creativity and Opportunity in Greater Bay Area (GBA)】
The 6th College Assembly was held at the Si Yuan Amenities Centre on 23 October 2024. The College was pleased to have Mr Jason Choi, President of the GBA College Students Creative Festival and Sunwah’s Director and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area CEO; Mr Wang Zichao, Head of Sun Lens Business Development of Carl Zeiss Vision (Guangzhou) Ltd.; and Mr Luo Lihua, Senior Branding Supervisor of Carl Zeiss Vision (Guangzhou) Ltd., to share their experiences.
Mr Choi introduced the entrepreneurial opportunities in the GBA and the background of the GBA College Students Creative Festival. He also discussed job opportunities, economic potential, and work culture in the GBA. His sharing sparked a lot of interest among the students, who actively asked questions during the Q&A session.
Mr Wang and Mr Luo also shared the background of Carl Zeiss Vision (Guangzhou) Ltd. and explained how their company benefited from the GBA College Students Creative Festival.
Professor Stephen H S Wong (centre), College Head, Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate Head and Dean of General Education(2nd right), presented souvenirs to Mr Jason Choi (2nd left), Mr Wang Zichao (far left) and Mr Luo Lihua (far right).
Group Photo
【Self-defense Workshop】
With the assistance from College member, Dr Rosetta S Y Mui of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, the College organised the very first ‘Self-defense Workshop’ as the 7th College Assembly on 25 October 2024 at the Thomas H C Cheung Gymnasium. The coach and four members of the Hong Kong Wushu Team (Sanda), one of whom won the world championship in an international competition last year, were invited to teach the workshop.
Members of Hong Kong Wushu Team (Sanda)’s demonstration.
Near 90 students participated in this workshop and learned about the daily training routine of the team and the Wushu background in Hong Kong. They were then separated into five groups and were taught several basic self-defense methods to protect themselves if attacked from different directions. Participants found the workshop was interactive and enjoyed it very much.
Coach of Hong Kong Wushu Team (Sanda) taught UC students.
【Sharing by Awarded Teams of GSSA Competition 2023-24 & Short Chat with Young Entrepreneur】
The College invited the awarded teams of the UC Group Sense Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Award (GSSA) 2023-2024 to share their awarded projects and experiences to the other students at the college assembly on 1 November 2024. Three awarded teams, RiceFort, KongPaper and Eat Healthily Live Wholesomely, aimed to arouse students’ interest and attention in social problems and encourage them to be innovative in problem-solving.
The College also invited two CUHK alumni, Miss Tiffany Wong, founder of the social enterprise “Retrovert”, and Mr Morgan K L Chan, representative of the Peace Development Foundation, to share their knowledges and experiences on social enterprises.
Group photo of all the presenters.
【Cantonese Opera Appreciation】
To increase students’ exposure to Chinese art and culture, the College invited Ms Man Wah of the Tin Ma Music and Opera Association Ltd. to be the speaker at 4:30pm on 25 November 2024 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Ms Man Wah is a professional in Cantonese opera and have performed in numerous repertoires. She is also enthusiastic about promoting the beauty of this traditional Chinese culture to the young people.
Ms Man Wah shared her professional knowledges on Cantonese operas.
In the 9th assembly, Ms Man presented the repertoire “Romance of Gold and Jade” to the students. Using this example, she taught the students how to appreciate various elements of Cantonese opera, including singing, acting, props, background, costumes, and makeup. The students reflected that they gained a deeper understanding of Cantonese operas and learned about the differences between various branches of Chinese opera, such as Kun and Peking opera.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head (2nd right), presented souvenir to Ms Man Wah (2nd left), accompanied by Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate Head and Dean of General Education (far left), and Mr Philip Sin, College Trustee (far right).
【Mental Wellness Talk】
To give support and encouragement to students in preparation for the coming examinations, college assembly, in collaboration with the College Mental Wellness Programme, invited Miss Cassie W S Lam (22/NURS), college alumnus, to hold a sharing session named “The Art of Self-Discovery: Exploring Your IKIGAI and Transforming Weaknesses into Strengths” on 28 November 2024.
Cassie shared her journey of discovering her mental illness, revealing of true thoughts and path to recovery. This resonated with the students and touched their hearts.
Cassie shared her experiences with the students.
Cassie had a sincere conversation with students.
【Alumni Talk Series – 31st Talk】
The 11th college assembly was held in the format of High Table Dinner in UC Staff Common Room on 28 November 2024. The College was honored to have invited Professor Raymond W M So (88/OFIN), Principal of the School for Higher and Professional Education, Vocational Training Council, to speak on the topic “Change of Public Intellectual in Hong Kong: My Reflection”.
For details, please refer to “Exploring Various Avenues to Live out the Spirit of a Scholar”.
Professor Raymond So sharing to the audience.
Group photo
【Sharing by GOAL Programme Participants & William Fellows】
The last assembly of this term was held on 29 November 2024, featuring different sharings by five groups of GOAL Programme participants of last year and a sharing by the Exchange Fellows from Williams College, USA.
In this assembly, students who had been to Finland, Sweden, Tsinghua University, Chengchi University of Taiwan and York University of United Kingdom for long-term/short-term exchange, as well as students who carried out service-learning in Uganda, Africa shared their unforgettable memories and reflections with the audience.
Ms Trudy Patricia Fadding and Mr Alejandro Jose Fuentes, two Exchange Fellows of the Williams College of United College, also encouraged the student to be brave, step outside their comfort zones, experience other cultures, and enrich themselves.
Group Photo of all the presenters.