“Embarking on a Journey after the Rain” – College Assemblies of United College, 2022-2023 Term 2 (Part II)

Nine face-to-face college assemblies were held with the theme of “Embarking on a Journey after the Rain” in Term 2 of 2022-2023. The first two were reported in the previous issue. Let’s take a look at the report of the remaining assemblies.
【28th Alumni Talk – A Long Journey to Come Home】
The 28th Alumni Talk cum high table dinner, first talk after the suspended for over three years, was held on 22 February 2023. It was our honored to have Professor Chan Wai Yee (74/CHEM), College alumnus and Pro-Vice Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, sharing his CUHK story. Please read Professor Chan Wai Yee and CUHK: A Bond Running Deep for details of Professor Chan’s sharing.
Professor Chan Wai Yee (74/CHEM), Pro-Vice Chancellor of the CUHK, shared the old photos taken at the old United College campus at Bonham Road.
【Sharing on Student Exchange and Social Service Activities】
More overseas and local activities resumed normal operation after the pandemic, many students had already participated in different activities. Students were invited to share what they have learnt and reflected from the activities in the college assembly on 3 March 2023.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate Head and Dean of Students, Professor Lee Hung Kay, Associate Head and Dean of General Education, and Professor Tang Sze Wing, Associate Head took a group photo with all sharing groups.
- College alumnus, Ho Ho Cheung (2022/GRMD) Sharing on UC GOAL Programme Scholarships - Asian Youth Leaders Travel and Learning Camp (AYLTLC)
-Cheung Ho Lun (BMEG/2), Huang Xiangkun (GLSD/3), Lau Cheuk Ki Jackie (SOCI/4) Sharing on United College Student Wellness Programme – UChum
-Ha Ngo Chit (NURS/ 1), Ko Yin Shan (NURS/1), Luo Yijia (IERG/1), Ng Wing Yan (HIST/2), Or Man Yan (NURS/1) Sharing by the awardee of United College Social Service Award
-Cheung Hoi Ning (MEDU/2) Sharing by the awardee of United College Social Service Award
-Choy Ming Chi (FNSC/4) Sharing by the awardee of United College Social Service Award
-Shum Chun Ming (GPAD/2)
The College had also invited students and alumnus with outstanding performance to attend. Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, presented trophies and certificates to the award-winning students.
【2023 Annual Workshop: Impact of AI】
The 2023 Annual Workshop of the United College was held on 17 March 2023 with the theme of “Impact of AI”. Over 800 students and staff members attended the Workshop. Professor Lee Hung Kay, Convener of the Workshop, Associate College Head and Dean of General Education, gave a welcome address. The College was with great pleasure to have Professor Kwong Sak Leung, Senior College Tutor of United College, as the moderator for the workshop. Guest speakers including Professor Helen M L Meng of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Professor Liu Yun Hui of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, and Professor Dou Qi of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering shared their views on the impact of AI.
(From left) Professor Liu Yun Hui, Professor Leung Kwong Sak, Professor Helen M L Meng, and Professor Dou Qi joined the College Annual Workshop.
【Hong Kong Landscape】
A College Assembly was held on 24 March 2023 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. It is our honor to have the sharing from college alumnus, Professor Chen Fong Fong, Research Assistant Professor of the Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries, and Associate Programme Director for the Master of Arts in Curating and Art History of Lingnan University. Professor Chen shared the topic on “Hong Kong Landscape” with College students.
Professor Chen shared Hong Kong landscape artworks in different period of time.
Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, presented the souvenir to our guest speaker, Professor Chen Fong Fong.
【Career Development Facilitation Scheme and UC Internship Scheme】
A college assembly was held on 27 March 2023, which was divided into two parts: The 1st part was “How to do Career Planning and What is a Good Career Planning” shared by Mr Mingles M T Tsoi (88/PACC), College alumnus and Chief eXploration Officer of ParticleX; the 2nd part was a sharing by Mr Chris C Y Yau (13/MAEG), College alumnus and Founder of Blue Bird Education and Blue Bird Technology, and his intern, College student, Mr Dennis M Yu (IBBA/4). They shared their experience in joining the United College Internship Scheme from the perspectives of alumni employer and student intern.
College alumnus, Mr Mingles M T Tsoi (88/PACC), shared his experience in Career Planning.
College alumnus, Mr Chris C Y Yau (13/MAEG; right), and College student, Mr Dennis M Yu (IBBA/4; left), shared their experience in joining the UC Internship Scheme.
Professor Lee Hung Kay (2nd right), Associate Head and Dean of General Education, presented souvenirs to three guest speakers.
【2022-23 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture】
The College has invited Professor Tang Shui Yan, Frances R and John J Duggan Professor of Public Administration and Chair of the Department of Governance and Management in Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California, as the Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2022-2023. Professor Tang delivered two public lectures on “How to Think about Institutions, Behavior, and Governance” and “How Macro-Institutional Contexts Constrain Environmental Governance: Comparing the United States and China” on 28 and 31 March 2023. Please click HERE to read the news.
Professor Tang Shui Yan, Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2022-2023.
【Project Presentation of the UC Group Sense Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Award 2022-2023】
After two months of training and preparation, competitors of the UC Group Sense Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Award (GSSA) 2022-2023 had their Project Presentation at the Si Yuan Amenities Centre on 20 April 2023. Please click HERE to view the result.