Five College Students Won CUHK Outstanding Student Awards 2022

Five College students won CUHK Outstanding Student Awards 2022 in honour of their outstanding performances in different categories in January 2023 through the nomination of the College. Our warmest congratulations to all of them! The College arranged student reporters to interview each of them, in order to know more about their stories behind.
【Innovation and Invention】Awardee: BAJAJ Rishika
►►► Click the above picture to read Visionary: An Eye-Opening Aid, the full interview of Rishika.
【Sports】Awardee: Kenneth Y C LAM and Harry H L CHING
►►► Click the above pictures to read The Partner on the Court – From CUHK Volleyball Team to Hong Kong Men’s Volleyball Team, the full interview of Kenneth and Harry.
【Social Service: Serving the CU Community】Awardee: Jomy LIN and Jessica LEE
►►► Click the above pictures to read Serving the CU Community – Facilitators Behind the Events. the full interview of Jomy and Jessica.
Established since 2018, CUHK Outstanding Student Award aims to select outstanding students who serve as an example to encourage fellow students to keep an optimistic mind while in adverse conditions; and also act as a positive role model to motivate fellow students to pursue their goals. There are five categories in this award, namely Innovation and Invention, Sports, Arts, Social Service, and Special Contribution. The awardees should not only possess special qualities and leadership skills, but also have demonstrated outstanding performance or made important contributions to the area concerned.