Bid Farewell to Retiring Staff 2023

The 2023 Staff Farewell Lunch was held on 26 July 2023 at the College Staff Common Room. More than 40 staff members joined this warm gathering. A total of five college members and 4 colleagues of Dean of Students’ Office retired this year. They were:
- Professor AHLSTROM David Christopher, Department of Management
- Professor CHAN Kwan Shing Darius, Department of Psychology
- Mrs CHAN TANG Tsui Yee Eastre, Dean of Students’ Office of United College
- Professor CHAN Wai, Department of Psychology
- Mr CHEUNG Fu Hang Henry, Dean of Students’ Office of United College
- Prof HO Sui Chu Esther, Department of Educational Administration and Policy
- Mr LAM Wai Yuen George, Dean of Students’ Office of United College
- Ms NG Po Shan Iris, Dean of Students’ Office of United College
- Ms WANG Qi, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre
* Surnames in English alphabetical order
Five retirees included Mrs Eastre Chan (5th right), Mr George W Y Lam (5th left), Mr Henry F H Cheung (4th right), Ms Iris P S Ng (6th left) and Ms Wang Qi (6th right), joined the occasion to share with us their happiness and made wonderful memories. Souvenirs and flower bouquets were presented to them by Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, and Professor Peter C K Cheung, Chairperson of the UC Staff Association.
A Farewell Party for Retiring Colleagues was also held at the Dean of Students’ Office. Staff of Dean of Students’ Office gathered on this occasion to say goodbye to our dearest retiring colleagues, who had been serving the United College for years.
Furthermore, College colleague, Mr Anthony W H Ho will retire from 3 October 2023. Office colleagues celebrated with Mr Ho on his retirement at Tien Chi Microcomputer Laboratory on 30 August, to thanks for his dedicated contribution to the College.
All the warm shots and loving memories will be in our mind. Wishing good health and fruitful retirement life to our dear retirees.