A Guide to Find the Balance Between Passion and Profession – Career Facilitation Development Scheme

If you could choose whatever job you like, what would it be?
Therein lies your strength, your story, and your path to success. We can make meaningful connections between work and passion to move forward and grow. Career Development Facilitation becomes more popular in recent years, in which professionally trained career development facilitators guide individuals to explore their career interests in various ways, including job aptitude tests, consultations, etc. It is the second year for the College to offer the Career Development Facilitation Scheme, in the collaboration with School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK. In this scheme, students participated in career talks, one-on-one consultations with qualified Career Development Facilitators, where students could source answers of career challenges and explore future directions.
Virtual Kick-off Ceremony cum Briefing
The Virtual Kick-off Ceremony was held on 27 January 2022. We were honoured to have representatives from School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK and Mr Tony Chan, College Secretary of United College to introduce the Scheme. Participants then met their Career Development Facilitators for the first time.
Virtual Career Talk “Let’s Slash!”
Ms Wong Ming-lok, a CUHK alumnus who used to be an Administrative Officer (AO) of HKSAR but resigned and pursued her dream of being a freelancer in 2005, was invited to be the speaker of an interactive career workshop in March. Due to the fifth wave of pandemic, Ms Wong shared her experience and exchanged thoughts with students on various career development concerns via online platform, especially the path of being a freelancer.
One–on–One Career Consultation with Career Development Facilitators
Students were arranged to meet their qualified Career Development Facilitators for four times. In each session, facilitators prepared different tasks to let students explore their ability, characteristics, and interest.