College Member Selected as the Third Recipient of the International Health Policy Fellowship
Professor Kim H M Chow of the School of Life Sciences was selected as the third recipient of the International Health Policy Fellowship by the US National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Professor Chow’s research focuses on studying mechanisms underlying pathological brain aging and related neurodegenerative disorders. Her projects aim at identifying how the body metabolic status affects the brain central metabolism, leading to elevated risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. With the support of the Fellowship, she will embark on a two-year fellowship, spending 25% of her time residing in Washington DC, the United States to examine what could bridge her ongoing research focus to the level of health care policies.
The International Health Policy Fellowship Programme was jointly established by NAM and CUHK Centre for Bioethics in 2017, which aims to train and nurture global health policy scholars who can put forth solutions to critical health challenges facing the world today and in the future.