Head, Deans and College Secretary
Head, Deans and College Secretary
Head's words
"My primary goal is to provide non-formal education of the highest standard to our College’s students. Enriching their learning and life experiences remains a top priority under my leadership, especially for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. We are committed to implementing strong and comprehensive programmes for scholarships and exchange opportunities to ensure inclusive and resilient education for all."
Professor WONG Heung Sang Stephen
BEd (Hon) (Liverpool); MSc, PhD (Loughborough); FACSM; R.Nutr
Head, United College
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
Professor WONG Chi Sang Martin
Associate Head, United College
Dean of Students, United College
Professor, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care
Professor LEE Hung Kay
Associate Head, United College
Dean of General Education, United College
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Professor TANG Sze Wing
Associate Head, United College
Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Dr LEUNG Tak Wah
Associate Dean of General Education, United College
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Professor TSANG Suk Ying Faye
Associate Dean of Students, United College
Professor, School of Life Sciences
Professor TSE Chi Shing
Associate Dean of Students, United College
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
Dr CHAN Man Hin Tony
College Secretary, United College