Acting out the College Spirit – Tam Wing Cheung

Student Reporter: Ms Ip Pui Yin (COMM/2)
Student Translator: Ms So Cheuk Ying (COMM/5)
English Editor: Mr Jonas Thomas Kelsch, English Language Teaching Unit
Photographer: Ms Ng Ling Chung Joyce (COMM/1)

Whether serving as President of the College Student Union, representing students on the CUHK Academic Board, or participating in campus events,  Mr Tam Wing Cheung (URSP/4)  is committed to the spirit of serving others. His enthusiasm earned him a nomination for the CUHK Outstanding Student Award 2024 in the category of Social Service (Serving the CUHK Community).

Starting from United College

He smiles recalling how he didn’t give much thought to his choice of college when starting at CUHK. At first, he was drawn to United College because of its vibrant culture and the legacies of its Six Hostels. “United College emphasises social service and the spirit of collectivity. And the rich cultures of the College Hostels create a strong sense of belonging among students,” he says. He believes the environment in United College fosters a sense of responsibility in students and encourages them to fully realize their potential. For these reasons he feels UC is the best community for him.

From Activity Organiser to Student Union President

When he first entered university, Tam didn’t know much about the College Student Union. It was through organising the four major activities in the College that he grew to appreciate its role. Over time, he realised there were many important issues within the College that needed attention, and the Student Union provided an excellent platform for students to discuss these topics. “In addition to emphasising academics and student activities, there are many other issues worth addressing, such as how to highlight CUHK’s social responsibility and continue promoting a ‘co-governance’ community,” he says.

Tam admits that when he first joined, the Student Union lacked outreach, and few people even knew of its existence. Despite this, he decided to serve as its President. Through his contributions, Tam hopes that he can encourage more students to get involved and express their voices.

Tam (far right) also involved in CUHK Art Fair organised by the Joint College Student Union. (photo provided by the interviewee)

Tam (4th right) is elected as the President of the United College Student Union. (Photo taken at the Joint Student Union Inauguration Ceremony) (photo provided by the interviewee)

Head’s Night Talk was hosted to foster communication between the College and students (photo provided by the interviewee)

Exchange ideas with the United College United Club (International Student Association) and the Mainland Student Association. (Photo taken at the Tea Party organised by the Committee on Inclusive Excellence) (photo provided by the interviewee)

The Union: Caring for Students and Safeguarding Their Rights

Building an important bridge between the College and students, the College Student Union organises various events, such as Head’s Night Talk, where students can have direct conversations with College management and express their opinions.

One of Tam’s significant contributions during his tenure of service has been reforming the hostel allocation system. He explains that the College used to employ a regional-based system to calculate hostel scores. But this method didn’t fully reflect students’ actual needs. For example, students from the same region could have very different commute times to campus, yet they would be assigned the same hostel scores.

After several discussions, the Student Union proposed replacing the regional-based scoring system with one based on “commute time.” Although they encountered difficulties in implementation, and the results may not be perfect, Tam believes the key was to take the first step by proposing suggestions and ensuring student voices were heard.

Tam notes that his biggest challenge as Student Union president was striking a balance among differing opinions. “Operating the Student Union cannot only rely on the effort of one person, but the collective efforts of every member.” He says the role of president is not to “issue orders,” but to listen to every member’s ideas. It is about bringing everyone together and finding common ground to achieve a shared goal.

Promoting the Spirit of United College

When asked about his short-term goals, Tam points to social service. He hopes to leverage his strengths in community service to help more people, extending the spirit of United College to the wider society. “CUHK has nurtured my care for society, and United College has taught me how to exercise leadership,” he says.

Offering advice to his fellow students, he stresses “There’s no need to rush to find what you want to do. Instead, you should explore based on your interests. Whether it’s academic activities or social service, the most important thing is active participation. To learn and grow from those experiences, and discover your true interests.”