Dedication in Action: Impacting Beyond Aspiration – Xie Chen Zhi Jie

Student Reporter: Ms Cheng Yung Wai Avril (COMM/2)
Student Translator: Ms Hau Wing Yin Pinky (TRAN/4)
English Editor: Mr Jonas Thomas Kelsch, English Language Teaching Unit
Photographer: Mr Bard Wu
Mr Xie Chen Zhi Jie Jacky (CENG/5) has developed a web-based system for improving Chinese handwriting quality through font analysis. His idea has won the CUHK Outstanding Students Award 2024 in Innovation and Invention and has been recognised by the 2024 IEEE 13th International Engineering Education Conference, where his initiatives were distinguished as the conference paper of the year.
The system’s web programming, interface design and user experience were all devised solely by Jacky. He hopes that students using the programme can understand Chinese characters from their stroke order and appreciate the aesthetic nuances of the Chinese script.
Curiosity Blooms
When he was a child, Jacky often went to the public library with his mother, and at home they would discuss current affairs. These experiences instilled him with an inquisitive mind and a unique perspective on learning. The concept for his language teaching website can be traced back to his part-time work as a tutor, when he noticed how many of his students wrote the Chinese character “口” as “O”, neglecting its structure. This telling error induced Jacky to cultivate proper writing habits among his students.
The programme interface resembles a Chinese chess game, where users are scored based on their stroke order, stroke count, and conformity to the regular script. A winning character earns the player one step forward on the chessboard, and the first player to reach the finish line wins. By gamifying the learning process, Jacky aims to enhance student engagement with the Chinese language.
He believes that computer engineering has inspired him with a mathematical approach to addressing real-life challenges. Laughing, he said he often thinks about why the learning process is so complicated. But even if he can’t find an answer, he still enjoys the fun brought by his curiosity.
Discovering Greatness in the Ordinary
Beyond his studies, Jacky does photography, writes and tutors. He said that having outstanding friends in the same department drove him to explore diverse interests. His minor in Journalism and Communication has honed his content creation skills, and his language tutoring led him to his current research.
Jacky’s involvement with United College has furthered his personal development. He’s served as a student helper and event photographer, and represented his student hostel in the United College Head’s Cup. Through the GOAL Programme, he’s travelled to Taiwan on exchange, and last semester he joined the UC Toastmasters Club. Through these activities, he’s made friends from different departments and made numerous contributions to the UC community.
Striving for Perfection
Jacky has invited primary and secondary school students and teachers to test his Chinese learning programme and has received a lot of positive feedback. Yet he still seeks to improve the platform. He hopes to use artificial intelligence to integrate font requirements set by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority and infuse the programme with more intricate cultural elements.
With only a few weeks left until graduation, Jacky aims to start his own business to broaden the programme’s reach and share the beauty of the Chinese written language.
Jacky learnt public speaking by practice at United College Toastmasters Club Meeting. (photo provided by the interviewee)