Student Development
25 Mar 2024

Project Presentation of UC Group Sense Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Award (GSSA) 2024

The United College Group Sense Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Award (GSSA) underwent a renaming and revamp in 2021 to align with the University’s promotion of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

From January to March 2024, over ten students participated in a series of training and coaching sessions, during which they completed their project proposals. These students had learned to think about social responsibility from multiple angles, experimented with innovative ideas to address social issues, and aimed to build projects that could be executed and sustained in the future. 

The GSSA Project Presentation Day 2024 was held on 25 March 2024. Attractive prizes were awarded, including a cash reward of HK$10,000 and a maximum of HK20,000 Project Seed Fund for the Champion, and a maximum of HK10,000 Project Seed Fund for the Outstanding Project Awards. 

We were honored to have Dr Samson W H Tam, Honorary Advisor and Donor of GSSA, Trustee of United College, and Chairman of Group Sense (International) Ltd., joining us that day. As a successful entrepreneur, Dr Tam generously and passionately shared his experiences and insights with the students. Mr Ng Ka Fung, College student and the leader of the Champion project “Cheer Cup” of GSSA 2023, was also invited to share his insights from last year’s competition to the students. 

The College was pleased to have Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate Head & Dean of Students, Dr Frank W F Ng, Associate Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship, CUHK and Dr Tracy Ng, Executive Committee Member of Fullness Social Enterprises Society Limited (FSES), serve as judges this year. To enhance students’ learning experience, the judges shared their views and valuable suggestions with each team. 

The team of “Med-Lation” got the Champion of GSSA 2024 with the aim to establish a medical translation service platform to assist ethnic minorities in overcoming language barriers and facilitate their access to medical services. Three teams also received the Outstanding Project Award and the Project Seek Fund to kick off their projects. The results of the competition are listed as follows:


Project Name

Team Member



CHU Yau Shing 
CHUNG Wai Man 

Outstanding Project Award


CHANG Zhi Kin Oscar Ludovic
WU Zhuoyi
YIP Suen Yan
FAN Lok Wai

Outstanding Project Award

Eat Healthily Live Wholesomely 

YEUNG Pui Tung
YIP Man Ying
CHENG Yung Yung
KUNG Man Hei

Outstanding Project Award

 Green Ed. Training Program 

LAW Yuk Yi
CHEN Man Heng

Congratulations to all the winning teams. We hope that students can make effective use of the startup fund to implement or enhance their projects, bringing positive and sustainable impact to the community.