Hostel News

Application for Regular-term UC Student Hostel Accommodation (2025-2026)

Application for Regular-term UC student hostel accommodation in 2025-2026 opens from 24 March to 1:00pm of 17 April 2025.  UC students who want to experience the hostel life can apply via webform. Relevant documents should be uploaded together as instructed. Non-local students (except those promoting to year 3 in 2025-2026) should also submit the webform and required documents during the same application period. Incomplete forms and late applications will not be considered.  Please read the following “Notice to Applicants for UC Hostel Accommodation and Selection Criteria” carefully before applying.

Contact Information
Ms Celia Lin
3943 8656
Ms Anna Poon
3943 7574
Appeal results and 2nd round allocation for 2025-2026 regular-term residence in UC student hostels (only for non-local students promoting to year 3 in 2025-2026)

Appeal results and 2nd round allocation for 2025-2026 regular-term residence in UC student hostels (only for non-local students promoting to year 3 in 2025-2026) have been announced on 20 March 2024.  Please login by your CUHK email to view the results.

Successful applicants can submit applications for choosing roommates before 11 July 2025.  Room allocation will be completed by the end of August 2025.  Further details will be announced on the College website closer to the date.  Those wishing to relinquish their hostel places should notify the Working Committee on Selection of Resident Students in writing (email: before 11 July 2025.

The rooms assigned to successful applicants are not to be exchanged or sub-let to others. The hostel places vacated by non-local undergraduate opting to relinquish their rooms will be assigned by the college to non-local undergraduates on the waiting list.

UC Working Committee on Selection of Resident Students

Contact Information
Ms Celia Lin
3943 8656
Ms Anna Poon
3943 7574
Application for Summer Residence at UC Student Hostels in 2025

Application for summer residence at UC student hostels in 2025 will open from 21 March to 1 pm on 4 April 2025.  There will be half-term, full-term and special full-term residence periods.  UC students who have compelling reasons to stay on campus during the summer break can apply via webform.  The payment receipt for the prepayment of HKD $300 hostel fee and relevant documents should be uploaded together as instructed.  Incomplete forms and late applications will not be considered.  Once the Residence Period is confirmed, no adjustments (including shortening the period) or cancellations can be made and the hostel fees that have already been paid will not be refunded.    


Please read the following “Notice to Applicants” carefully before applying.

Contact Information
Ms Mimi Wong
3943 0427
Ms Carman Koo
3943 1696
Recruitment of Student Coordinators for Summer Residence 2025

During this summer vacation, the College will rent out part of the hostel places to external organisations for non-profit educational, cultural, moral, and/or civic activities.  We are now recruiting TWO College students to serve as Student Coordinators for Summer Residence from late May to August to assist the College to handle the related works, including:

  1. To assist in contacting and handling summer accommodation applications from external organisations;
  2. To help allocate rooms and arrange hostel facilities for visiting groups;
  3. To serve as a coordinator for outside groups and O camp organisers from the College and Departments;
  4. To handle matters related to summer residence, including check-in and check-out of the groups, briefing the groups on the rules and regulations and ensuring the proper execution of hostel rules and regulations; management of room keys, room inspection to ensure the tidiness and proper condition of the furniture inside the rooms;
  5. To submit a written report to the Dean of Students’ Office after summer residence.

Each Student Coordinator will be provided with the remuneration, including cash allowance plus free accommodation for the summer months of 2025.  The application deadline is 1 pm, 2 April 2025 (Wednesday)

Contact Information
Ms Mimi Wong
3943 0427
Ms Carman Koo
3943 1696
Enlistment of Volunteers to serve as Resident Tutors for United College Student Hostels (2025-2026)

United College is now inviting volunteers from University full-time staff or full-time postgraduate students, who are interested in the promotion of experiential learning amongst students and the enrichment of hostel life, to serve as Resident Tutors for the academic year 2025-2026.  Please read the requirements and duties of a resident tutor as below.

Resident Tutor is not an employment with the University.  There will not be any allowance/remuneration or any other employee benefits for provision of this volunteer service. The nominated Resident Tutor will be provided with a free single room in one of the United College student hostels. The service period will start in August 2025 and last for one year.

An application form can be downloaded from the College website.  Please submit the completed application form either by email ( or to UC Dean of Students’ Office (Attention to Ms. Anna Poon) on or before 28 March 2025.  Please write “Application for UC Resident Tutor – Confidential” on the covering email or envelope.

Contact Information
Ms Celia Lin
3943 8656
Ms Anna Poon
3943 7574
Room allocation list for students residing in Term 2 and check-in arrangement in 2024-2025 (Term 2)

The check-in date in Term 2 will start from 12:00 noon of 2 January 2025 (Thursday).  Please go to your assigned hostel and provide your CU Link card and a passport photo to complete the check-in procedure. All residents are required to complete the check-in procedures before 12pm on 12 January 2025 (Sunday).  Late admissions without notification to your respective wardens will be treated as relinquishment of hostel places.

Below is the “Resident list with room allocation of Term 2”.  Please login by your CUHK email with the password to view the results.  The password has been sent to you by email.

Successful applicants will receive their billing notification from the Finance Office of the University by e-mail.  Please follow the payment due date.

For details and arrangement required upon check-in, please refer “Guidelines for Registration at UC Student Hostels in Term 2” as below.

Contact Information
Ms Celia Lin
3943 8656
Ms Anna Poon
3943 7574
Hostel Application for UC Non-local Students during Non-guaranteed Year in 2025-2026 (only for non-local students promoting to year 3 in 2025-2026)

Hostel Application for UC Non-local Students during Non-guaranteed Year in 2025-2026 opens from 29 October to 5:30pm on 15 November 2024.

Non-local undergraduates wishing to reside on campus in their non-guaranteed year have to submit hostel applications to the College as instructed.  A quota will be set aside for them but they will have to compete according to the prevailing selection criteria. These will include (a) academic performance, (b) participation in extra-curricular activities and (c) participation in hostel activities.

Incomplete forms and late applications will not be considered.  Please read the following “Notice to Applicants for UC Hostel Accommodation” carefully before applying.

Contact Information
Ms Celia Lin
3943 8656
Ms Anna Poon
3943 7574