Trace the History and Culture of CUHK by Footsteps

The buildings, sculptures, or even the trees on campus have their own stories. How much do you know about these sceneries which you passed by every day? The predecessors strived to conserve all the precious cultures and values of The Chinese University of Hong Kong since its establishment which worth inheritance and preservation. Therefore, the College designed some Campus Guided Tours for freshmen in early September in order to let them know more about the history and culture of CUHK. These tours were led by College senior students.
The tour started from Chung Chi College, followed by a walking along the Lake Ad Excellentiam to the Chapel. A few steps more, the group paid a visit to the statue of Sir Charles K Kao at the Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building and arrived the Main Campus. After that, they went to the New Asia College through Mong Man Wai Building. United College was the final point of the day.
At each checkpoint, senior students who have been trained beforehand introduced the related history and story to freshmen, such as the story of “Million Boulevard” and the Dr Tse Yuen Man Memorial Tree planted near Hang Seng Hall.
Dr Lau Yuk-king, College Associate Dean of Students, presented Certificates of Appreciation to the student tour guides.
There are many stories that can only be passed on by word of mouth, and first-hand experience is essential for inheritance. Therefore, the College had chosen senior students to guide the tour, and pass on these stories to the freshmen. Not only the freshmen could know more about the University, but also the senior students could gain some insights through the journey.