College Singing Contest – Singdiecho

The final round of 2023 College Singing Contest – “Singdiecho”, organised by the College Student Union, was held on 28 February 2023 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The participants, organising committees and audience were all thrilled to see the face-to-face singing competition held again after four years!
After the selection of the preliminary round, six students were selected for the Solo group and the championship went to Mr Ho Ezra (NURS/3).
There were three finalists in the group category. Ms Sandy L Y Lam (NURS/3) and Ms Queenie T K Koo (ENGE/3) won the group championship as well as the Most Popular Group Award. Professor Stephen H S Wong, College Head, was invited to present the prizes to them.
The group “Chancendence” grasped the Fun Team trophy in 2023 Singing Contest. Professor Martin C S Wong, Associate College Head and Dean of Students, presented the trophy to them.
Our warmest congratulations to all the award winners!
Two Local bands – Kolor and RubberBand were invited as performing guests. They brought the function to the climax.